Here are a couple of works in progress that I've been laboring away on. The first is a scratchboard:
5" x 5" scratchboard
It's been interesting experimenting with different ways to get an appropriately scaly texture. The chalky looking white lines are from transfer paper - the piece started off fairly planned out, but I've started ignoring/erasing a lot of the lines and just doing what flows and looks balanced.
The second is for a printmaking class:
~16" x 22" plastic foamboard
The white spots are where I've carved out the surface, and the red and black is where I've colored in the design. When the carving is done, the board will be rolled with ink, a piece of paper will be placed on top, followed by some felt pads, finally followed by some pressure to get the ink to stick onto the paper. "Pressure" may involve pushing on it with your hands, various hand tools, jumping up and down on it, and/or running it over with a minivan. I'm both excited and somewhat nervous to get to the printing stage - after you spend hours thinking up an idea, inking it, then carving a piece, you often don't want to run it over with your car, let alone douse the thing in ink.
I'll probably just stick to jumping on it. For the first one, anyway.